Sunday, 24 July 2011

July in Context..

I'm currently coming to terms with the fact that my favourite film Portra 400VC is being discontinued, it works so well with my Contax T2 and I happily tell half the people I meet this fact.  So it might as well be online for all to see ; )

Here's a bunch of blurry photos from July, taking in Melt festival in Germany, lots of all night fun amongst giant cranes by a lake, Arthur the kitten and Alice Gold 'End Of The World' video shoot.


Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs 'Trouble' Video Shoot

Have been meaning to post photos from the TEED 'Trouble' shoot for ages, but work, and the fun of summer have been getting way in the way.  The video was directed by the very nice and very talented Adam's of The General Assembly in Tarzana, California.  Apparently Tarzana is a porn production mecca FYI, and was named after Tarzan by the land's original owner.  Thanks Wikipedia.  The shoot was at the house of an amazing 90 year old grandmother and Jazz fan who seemed happy enough handing it over to a bunch of sinister valley occultists and random cowboys.  An amazing day that ended a really fun week for me of filming out in Barcelona, followed by ATP in Minehead and then this one day in LA, I some how managed to fit in two burgers and one Taco Bell meal in that time ; )

Here's the video - and a bonus Mike remix since he's such a dude -
